GUI Application inside Docker Container

Kaushik Denge
3 min readMay 31, 2021


First let’s start with..

What is Docker ?

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications. By taking advantage of Docker’s methodologies for shipping, testing, and deploying code quickly, you can significantly reduce the delay between writing code and running it in production.

What is a GUI ?

GUI is the graphical user interface is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio indicator such as primary notation, instead of text-based user interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation.

Task Description 📄

📌 GUI container on the Docker

🔅 Launch a container on docker in GUI mode

🔅 Run any GUI software on the container

First install docker and start docker services.

So let’s start..

Step 1 : Pull centos image

docker pull centos:latest
rhel8 terminal with command : docker pull centos:latest

Step 2 : Launch Container

docker run -it --name guicontainer --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" centos:latest
  • - - volume=”$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw” centos:latest : to share the host’s XServer with the container by creating a volume.
  • - -env=”DISPLAY” : to share the host display environment to the container.
  • - -net=host : to run container with host network.

now, container is started as you can see in below..

Step 3 : Install required Packages

Now install all the required packages inside the container which is python3 and firefox in my condition with the help of yum command.

yum install firefox python3 -y

now install required libraries

pip3 install jupyter

Step 4 : Launch jupyter notebook

jupyter notebook --allow-root

as you can see jupyter notebook launches successfully!! 🙌

🔰Thanks for Reading! Feel free to share your thoughts in comment section 🔰



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